
The biggest deciding factor for many people in choosing a retirement destination is climate. Retiring to a warm-weather paradise is infinitely preferable to spending your days shoveling snow or huddling under umbrellas.

A lot of places claim to have the perfect weather. But tastes in climate vary, and what is too hot or cold for one person can be just right for another. For some folks, the perfect climate is hot and humid; others want spring year-round.

Are you after surf and sun? Your best climate could be waiting in Europe, Asia, or Latin America. Like clean air and mountain scenery? Your best climate might be up in the peaks of Ecuador, or in cultural Spain. The world is a big place with lots of places to choose.

You can even find different landscapes and climate conditions within the borders of the same country. Take Panama for example. Because of the wide range of elevations, it offers an amazing choice of climates. No matter which climate you prefer, no matter what elevation suits you and where you choose to live, you’re not restricted to enjoy that temperature range only. And all of the other options are just a short trip away.

Choosing the best climate from all the possible destinations in the world could be an overwhelming task. That’s where we’d like to help. Read first-hand accounts from expats living overseas. They don’t just cover the hard data of temperatures, rainfall, and humidity but also the comfort level of each destination’s climate.