Visa and Residency in Belize | Requirements for Belize QRP Visa

Visa And Residency in Belize
Belize offers attractive visa and residency programs, ideal for expats looking to settle in a tropical paradise with minimal hassle.|©iStock/Simon Dannhauer

Belize has always been popular among beach-loving expats, but in recent years, it has worked hard to increase its attractiveness relative to its Central American neighbors. One of its biggest attractions is that it is English-speaking.

Types of Visas

Ambergris Caye is a top expat destination in Belize, known for its pristine beaches, world-class diving, and vibrant local culture.
Ambergris Caye is a top expat destination in Belize, known for its pristine beaches, world-class diving, and vibrant local culture.|©iStock/HendrikDB

Belize's wide range of visa and residency options make it a great place to visit, avoid the winter weather back home, or settle in as your new permanent residence. Each option comes with its own eligibility requirements and set of benefits.

Temporary Visas

Citizens of the United States and Canada do not require a visa to visit. Visitors’ visas are valid for 30 days. You must show proof of return ticket or onward travel, as well as sufficient funds for your stay. Visitors’ visas can be renewed for one month for $100.

Long-Term Visas

Visa extensions

Many people renew their visitor’s visa monthly for months on end—so much so that many websites refer to this as an official residency option. It isn’t, however, and it is possible that immigration officials may query you if you try to use this route for long-term residency.

Digital Nomad

Citizens or permanent residents of the European Union, United Kingdom, United States of America, or Canada can apply for a six-month visa if they can prove income from work outside Belize. Currently, the annual income requirement is $75,000 for a single person, and $100,000 for someone with dependents.

Qualified Retirement Program

This is the most popular visa program in the country. Anyone over 45 (soon to be reduced to 40) who can prove a monthly retirement income of at least $2,000 or $45,000 annually can remain in the country indefinitely. The program includes zero-duty importation of vehicles and personal items during the first year.

Under the QRP program, you can’t work in the country, but you can run a business outside Belize.

Permanent Residency

Belize has one of the shortest routes to permanent residency in the world. You can apply as long as you’ve been living legally in the country for one year and haven’t left for more than 14 days in total. You must also prove to the Immigration Office that you will remain financially stable.


After five years of permanent residency, you can apply for citizenship in Belize. Note, however, that you may not have lived outside the country for more than 30 days at a time or accumulated more than three months’ time outside the country in any 12-month period.

Requirements and Documentation

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  • A job letter should be issued within 30 days of the application if the applicant is employed.

  • Proof of registration of business and annual tax return if the applicant is self-employed.

  • Provide proof of annual income, including a notarized banking reference and statement of account.

  • Police Records from the applicant’s country of residence, issued within six months of application.

  • Certified copy of the bio-data page of the Applicant’s passport, and Certified Copies of the bio-data page of each dependent’s passport.

  • Proof of travel insurance with a minimum health coverage of USD $50,000.


  • Completed Application Form

  • Proof of Age

  • Income Proof, including pension statements, bank statements, annuity agreements, social security statements, or proof of investment income.

  • A police record from your last place of residence, typically covering the past five years.

  • A medical certificate from a licensed physician stating that you are in good health. Some programs also require an HIV test.

  • Several recent passport-sized photographs, usually around 4 to 8, are needed.

  • A copy of your passport’s personal information page and any pages with visas or stamps.

  • Marriage Certificate (if applicable)

  • Dependents Documentation (if applicable)

You may be asked to provide letters of reference, a personal statement of intent, or other forms.

Processing Time

Processing times for long-term visas range from one to three months. Applications for permanent residents and citizenship take six months to a year.


The cost to extend a visitor’s permit is USD $100.

The cost for a Long-Stay Permit is $500.

For the QRP, you will pay a $150 application fee, an arrival fee of $1000 plus $750 for each dependent, and $200 per person for ID cards. These cards must be renewed at $25 per person annually.


Belize Embassy in the U.S.

Honorary Consulate of Belize for Alberta, Canada

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